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Assistant Professor of Ethnoecology

Indigenous Studies, Simon Fraser University 


Reviews Editor, Human Ecology

Publications Liaison, Society of Ethnobiology


Email: chelsey_geralda [at] 


SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia  

Peter Buck Postdoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian Institution

PhD, Simon Fraser University 

MA, University of Western Ontario

BA Hons., Simon Fraser University 

Research Interests 

Ethnoecology, historical ecology, phytogeography, environmental archaeology, traditional resource & environmental management, heritage management, Indigenous Rights and Title, extractive industries, ethnobotany, paleoethnobotany, organismal botany, dendrology, modern and ancient population genetics, Pacific Northwest

 I have long had a fascination for understanding human-environment interactions and cultural landscapes across the Pacific Northwest. The cultural and ecological entanglements of the Northwest are so complex and politicized that I use my training in both natural and social sciences to better understand these eco-human dynamics. I'm currently based out of Terrace, British Columbia and I spend much of my time botanizing, fishing, and exploring the Skeena River. 


I study human-landscape interactions in the past and how those dynamics relate to the present — particularly towards Indigenous sovereignty and socially just environmental conservation. I am interested in the historical ecology of northern homelands (the so-called frontier of the Canadian Petro State), and in understanding the co-evolution of humans and the inhabited landscape. To study these relationships I look at ancient plant macrofossils, (seeds, pericarps, wood charcoal), settlement history, landscape ethnoecology, and molecular biology (plant genetics).  I've investigated ancient and recent management of Garry oak (Quercus garryana) and hazelnut (Corylus cornuta). Currently I'm exploring the environmental archaeology of northern homelands, traditional resource and environmental management of ancient forest garden ecosystems throughout British Columbia, and  the evolution of the Malus genus. I am currently Assistant Professor in Indigenous Studies at Simon Fraser University and am accepting exceptional graduate students with a desire for outdoor adventure and research with a purpose.

Funding Agencies

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