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*I try to publish open access articles as much as possible. Never pay for an article. Email me directly for copies. Professional reports not listed, contact directly for copies. 



Armstrong CG et al. Genetic Differentiation and Indigenous Cultivation of Hazelnut (Corylus cornuta Marsh., Betulaceae) in of Pre-colonial Western North America. PNAS. In press.


Cormier L, Armstrong CG. Phytolith characterization of culturally salient plant species in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 332:105220. Link


McClenachan L, Rick T, Thurstan RH, Trant A, Alagona PS, Alleway H, Armstrong CG, et al. 2024. Global research priorities for historical ecology to inform conservation. Endangered Species Research Link


Fernández-Llamazares Á, Teixidor-Toneu I, Armstrong CG, Caviedes J, Ibarra JT, Lepofsky D, McAlvay AC. et al. 2024. The Global relevance of locally grounded ethnobiology. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 20:53. Link


Armstrong CG, Grenz J, Zyp-Loring, LaFontaine J, Johnson LM, Turner NJ. 2024. Ethnoecological perspectives on environmental stewardship: Tenets and basis of reciprocity in Gitxsan and nłeʔkepmx (Nlaka'pamux) Territories. People and Nature. Link


BOOK Whitaker J, Armstrong CG, Odonne G. (eds) 2024. Climatic and Ecological Change in the Americas: A Perspective from Historical Ecology. Routledge, London, UL. Link


Santana-Cordero A, Burgi M, Szabó P, Armstrong CG. 2024. The practice of historical ecology: what, when, where, and how. Ambio 53(3). Link


Lepofsky D, Letham B, Ritchie M, Armstrong CG. 2024. Placemaking on the Northwest Coast of North America. In The Oxford Handbook of Island and Coastal Archaeology, edited by Fitzpatrick SM, Erlandson J. Link 




Soma T, Armstrong CG, Walsh C, Atleo C. 2023. Indigenous food asset mapping: A case study from Gitselasu Nation. Journal of the American Planning Association. Link


Lin A. et al. 2023. The history of Coast Salish “woolly dogs” revealed by ancient genomics and Indigenous Knowledge. Science 382(6676) Link


Armstrong CG, Lepofsky D, McAlvay AC, Leonard K, Ritchie PM, Lyons N, Blake M 2023. Reply to Oswald et al.: scale in studies of pre-colonial forests. Ecosystems and People 19(1). Link


Grenz J and Armstrong CG. 2023. Pop-up restoration in colonial contexts: Applying an Indigenous food systems lens to ecological restoration. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7. Link


Armstrong CG, Spice A, Ridsdale M, Welch JR. 2023. Liberating trails and travel routes in Gitxsan and Wet'suwet'en Territories from the tyrannies of heritage resource management regimes. American Anthropologist. Link


Wolverton S, Figueroa RM, Armstrong CG. 2023. Integrating historical ecology and environmental justice. Journal of Ethnobiology. 43(1): 57-68. 


Armstrong CG, Lyons N, McAlvay AC, Lepofsky D, Blake M. 2023. Historical ecology of forest management in Laxyuubm Ts'msyen and beyond. Ecosystems and People 19(1) Link


Lyons N, Hoffmann T, Armstrong CG, Blake M. 2023. How can archaeobotany be put into service of Katzie food sovereignty? BC Studies 218:19–46. Link





Armstrong CG, Earnshaw J. McAlvay AC. 2022. Coupled archaeological and ecological analyses reveal ancient cultivation and land-use in Nuchatlaht (Nuu-chah-nulth) territories in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Archaeological Science 143: 105611. Link


BOOK Armstrong CG. 2022. Silm Da’axk (to Revive and Heal Again): Historical Ecology and Ethnobotany in Gitselasu Lahkhyuup. Mitchell Press, Vancouver, BC. 





Turner NJ, Armstrong CG, Lepofsky D. 2021. Adopting a root: documenting ecological and cultural signatures of plant translocations in northwestern North America. American Anthropologist 124(4):1-19. Link 


Armstrong CG, Miller JED, McAlvay AC, Ritchie PM, Lepofsky. 2021. Historical Indigenous land-use explains functional trait diversity. Ecology and Society 26(2):6. Link


Soma T, Armstrong CG, Schulman T, Li B. 2021. Our Home, Our Food, Our Resilience: A Citizen Science and Photovoice Food Asset Project. SFU Food Systems Lab, Burnaby, BC.


Fernández-Llamazares Á, Lepofsky D, Lertzman K, Armstrong CG, Brondizio ES, Gavin MC, Nicholas GP, Pascua P, et al. 2021. Scientists' warning to humanity on threats to Indigenous and local knowledge Systems. Journal of Ethnobiology 41(2):144-169. Link


McAlvay AC, Armstrong CG, Baker J, Black Elk L, Bosco S, Hanazaki N, Joseph L, Martínez-Cruz TE, et al. 2021. Ethnobiology phase VI: decolonizing institutions, projects, and scholarship. Journal of Ethnobiology 41(2):170-191. Link


Rocchetti A, Armstrong CG, Abeli T, Orsenigo S, Jasper C, Joly S, Bruneau A, Zytaruk M, Vamosi JC. 2021. Reversing extinction trends: new uses of (old) herbarium specimens to accelerate conservation action on threatened species. New Phytologist 2(30):433-450. Link


Armstrong CG and Junqueira A. 2021. Historical ecology: Challenges and perspectives in a changing world. In Methods in Historical Ecology: Insights from Amazonia, edited by Odonne G and Molino J-F. pp. 171-178. Routledge, London. 





Martindale A and Armstrong CG. 2020. The vulnerability of archaeological logic in Aboriginal rights and title cases in Canada: theoretical and empirical implications. Collaborative Anthropologies 11(2) Link


Przelomska NAS, Armstrong CG, Kistler L.. 2020. Ancient plant DNA as a window into the cultural heritage and biodiversity of our food systems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 25 Link


Armstrong CG and Anderson EN. 2020. Ecologies of the heart: People, land, and heritage management in the Pacific Northwest. In Archaeologies of the Heart, edited by Supernatant K, Lyons N, and Atalay S. pp. 39-58. Springer Press, ISBN 978-3-030-36350-5. 





Stephens L . Armstrong CG (8th author of 89). 2019. Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science 365:897-902 Link


Armstrong CG and Brown C. 2019. Frontiers are frontlines: An ethnobiology against ongoing colonialism. Journal of Ethnobiology 39(1): 14-31 Link


Caron-Beaudoin É. and Armstrong CG. 2019. Community-based research partnerships: approaches to fill knowledge gaps in Indigenous public and environmental health. Journal of Ethnobiology 39(1): 50-64 Link 





Armstrong CG. 2018. Skookum root: Ethnobiology of Veretrum viride (Indian Hellebore) in the Pacific Northwest. Ethnobiology Letters 9(2):197-205 Link


Armstrong CG, Dixon M, Turner NJ. 2018.  Management and traditional production of beaked hazelnut  (k'áp'xw-az', Corylus cornuta; Betulaceae) in British Columbia. Human Ecology 46(4):547-559 Link


Lepofsky D and Armstrong CG. 2018. Foraging new ground: Documenting ancient resource and environmental management in Canadian archaeology. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 42(1):57-73 Link 





Lepofsky D, Armstrong CG, Mathews D, Jackley J, Greening S, Carpenter J, Guernsey B, Turner NJ. 2017. Historical ecology of cultural keystone places of the Northwest Coast. American Anthropologist 119(3):448-463 Link  


Armstrong CG, Shoemaker AC et al. 2017. Anthropological contributions to historical ecology: 50 Questions, Infinite Prospects. PLOS ONE 12(2) Link





Armstrong CG and Veteto JR. 2015. Historical ecology and ethnobiology: Applied research for environmental conservation and social justice. Ethnobiology Letters 6(1) Link





Armstrong CG.  2022. Book Review: A Gift to Use All: Douglas Deur and Knowledge‑Holders of the Quinault Indian Nation. Gifted Earth: The Ethnobotany of the Quinault and Neighboring Tribes. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. Link


Armstrong CG, Lepofsky D, Lertzman K, McAlvay AC, Miller JED. 2020. [EcoEvo Preprint] Re-evaluating “Conservation Implications of Native American Impacts”. Link


Lepofsky D, Armstrong CG, Mathews D, and Greening S. 2020. Understanding the past for the future: Plants and First Nations’ land use and rights. In Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights and the Roles of Ethnoecology and Ethnobotany: Strategies for Canada’s Future, edited by Turner NJ. In Press.


Armstrong CG. 2019. Book Review: Greg Mitman, Marco Armiero, Robert S. Emmett, editors. Future Remains: a Cabinet of Curiosities for the Anthropocene. Human Ecology (2) Link


Armstrong CG, McAlvay AC. 2019. Introduction to Special Section on Action Ethnobiology. Journal of Ethnobiology 39(1):3-13. Link


Sutherland-Wilson D, Spice A, Armstrong CG. 2019. Compliance archaeology fails Indigenous Peoples in British Columbia: An example from Unist'ot'en territory. The Midden 49(1):26-30. 


Lyons N, Ritchie M, Armstrong CG, Lepofsky D. 2016. A gift from the ancestors: The legacy of red elderberries in a Tsleil-Waututh plant processing area. The Midden 46 (3&4). 




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